The Latch Hook... a tool for helping pull loose hairs into their dreads. No matter whether you are pulling in loose hair at the roots, body, or tips of your dreads, the process is the same.
- Isolate the loose hair that needs to be pulled in making sure it does, indeed, belong to the dread in question.
- Once you isolate the hair(s) - twist them a bit to hold them together.
- Next estimate how far up the dread the hair will get pulled and insert the latch hook in at that point.
- Feed the latch hook through the MIDDLE of the dread and poke it out in the middle of the loose hair.
- Place the loose hair in the hook and close the latch.
- Holding the loose hair taut, pull the latch hook back up through the dread, pulling the loose hair with it.
- Repeat as desired.