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Providing the best in Dreadlock Products, Tools & Accessories

01 Aug '15

How to Repair a Dreadlock That Has Thinned Out at the Root

How to Repair a Dreadlock That Has Thinned Out at the RootDreadlocks require maintenance and over time problems can arise. One problem includes thinning of the hair where the dreadlocks meet the scalp. After ruling out the cause as natural thinning due to pattern baldness, take steps to re-strengthen the weakened bases of dreadlocks.

Lighten dreadlocks that are too heavy and that are causing undue stress on or pulling out the hair roots. Lighten a heavy dreadlock by cutting it shorter or by splitting it down the middle with scissors to turn it into two thinner dreadlocks. Over time, the split dreadlocks will round out.

Strengthen dreadlock roots that are thinning due to unhealthy, brittle hair that is breaking. Use only high-quality, moisturizing hair products (see Knotty Boy Dreadlock hair products @ dreadz.co.uk). Avoid chemical-based treatments and exposure of hair to high temperatures, using only low-temperature hair dryers. Consume more foods that are high in essential fatty acids, such as salmon, eggs, olive oil, walnuts and dark green leafy vegetables.

Thicken and re-tighten dreadlock roots once hair health is restored (we recommend Knotty Boy Locksteady Tightening Gel @ dreadz.co.uk). Hold the base of the dreadlock between the middle and pointer fingers and bring in any extra hairs from around the dreadlock. Wind the the base of the dreadlock repeatedly in a clockwise direction, until the hairs become knotted.

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